Aircraft turbine tool part number 216692 is now available in our ready-to-ship inventory. This part is manufactured by Airbus Tooling. The part description is Pressure Test Plates. We can provide you with the best quote on this part immediately. Are you interested?
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Aerospace Aces, is an ASAP Semiconductor owned and operated company. We are an AS9120B, ISO 9001:2015, and FAA AC 0056B accredited company, and one of the leading distributors of Airbus Tooling hard-to-find aircraft turbine tools part like 216692. We have a huge variety of aircraft turbine tool parts in our inventory, which stocks over 2 billion parts from over 5000 leading manufacturers.
We can provide you same-day or next-day delivery anywhere in the USA. This is due to our presence in key locations such as Illinois, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Minnesota, Arizona, Washington, Virginia, New York, Massachusetts, Michigan, Wisconsin, New Mexico and accross Canada including, Alberta, and our headquarters in California.
Aircraft turbine tools, as their name suggests, are mostly used for efficient functioning of the aircraft blades and engines. Do you want to know more about aircraft turbine tool part 216692? Give us a call at +1-714-705-4780. You can also send us your Bill of Materials (BOM) at
216555 | 216556 | 216557 | 216559 |
216560 | 216561 | 216562 | 216563 |
216564 | 216565 | 216676 | 216718 |
216719 | 216720 | 216721 | 216722 |
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